It’s their move

What role are you playing?/Tell me a bit about your character. I have no idea who I am where I am from. John Smith is a government agent, but from which government and from which agency… no clue. Are they even an agent? And what is their objective? Lots of things are going on at the moment: authority problems, a strange disappointment with the duty assigned whilst at the same time excitement about the whole situation. These things need some sculpting and sorting out before John has found footing on stage but I am not sure John Smith knows what is going on. I don’t…

What do you think the audience will react most to in this play? I think that no one knows what is going on.

First cast interview answers in, and THIS is what I fucking get.

Sent a note out to the director, quoting it. Directly – cut and paste quote. Said: We need to address this confusion. She’s not getting the role.

Her arrogance is another matter entirely. I’ve had to reassess some of the group; my script references a Gordian Knot idea and most had no clue what it was about. But to tell me that no one knows what’s going on when I know for a FACT after reading this that the director didn’t even bother to send her the motivational analysis because I gave her an ENTIRE fucking life history for her character is WAY the fuck over the top arrogant. Fuck her.

And I feel, I sense, that if I say do it my way or the highway, she’ll walk. Then we may be two actors short, and that might pull the production entirely.

Better make up my mind.

If she continues to pull what she’s been pulling, and insisting on doing what she’s doing, then she’ll be the death of act 3. And if you kill act 3 with a shitty performance, you may as well kill the rest.

There. That’s my decision.

Ah, I’d be very disappointed. Considering one board member is expecting a baby in spring, the group may shelve everything ’til autumn. No more rehearsals, nothing to blog about, nothing to write about. Inactivity. *sigh* That’ll kill the group as well as my script. Any spin I’ve got going now will just dissolve away.

But I ain’t gonna let some arrogant idiot who doesn’t understand the story ruin my play. No. fucking. way.

Now, stick to your guns, Beeps. Go play games, forget about it ’til the next rehearsal. You already drew the line.

It’s their move.

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